The church „St. Assumption“ is located in neighborhood „Gledka“ in the town of Kardzhali. Cloister includes church and monastery. The church is abasilicadating fromthe twentieth century,actingtemplemonument.An interestingcolors of thefrescoes–the mix betweenblue and yellowisoftenused inthe display ofChristian symbolsin the MiddleEast.
The churchkeepsa pieceofthe cross ofChrist, relicsfoundinexcavationsat Perperikonin 2002.
Enteringthrough the frontarchimpressesthe simplebeautyof the complex.The buildingcloses atsmall greensquareyard, which has a springanda small lake.
The highbell towerrises abovethe complexis visiblefrom afar.The complex offers accommodation.